Tips and Hacks

Elevate your grilling game by adding a smoky hickory flavor to your barbecue. Before you start grilling, soak a handful of hickory chips in water for about an hour. Then, sprinkle them onto your barbecue coals. Infuse your meats and veggies with a rich, smoky flavor.
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Recipes starting with B

Submitted by Jerry G.
Published On: January 10th, 2024
Arepas freeze well if frozen while still warm. Freeze in layers separated by plastic wrap. To reheat, preheat oven to 350°F, wrap in foil and heat for 10 minutes.

Submitted by Luca R.
Published On: July 10th, 2023

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Tested and True

Brining chicken in saltwater before cooking can significantly enhance its juiciness and flavor. This simple hack involves soaking the chicken in a saltwater solution, which helps the meat retain moisture and stay succulent throughout the cooking process.
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