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Recipe of: Canada

Prep Method: Mix

Base: Cabbage

Made with 9 Ingredients

/ 31

Recipe of: Star Trek

Prep Method: Bake

Base: Flour

Made with 14 Ingredients

/ 143
Macaroni With Feta Cheese

Recipe of: Greek

Prep Method: Bake

Base: Macaroni

Made with 9 Ingredients

/ 112
No Cook Pasta Sauce

Recipe of: Italy

Prep Method: Mix

Base: Tomato

Made with 11 Ingredients

/ 131
Bubbling Bath Oil Beads

Recipe of: International

Prep Method: Mix

Base: Sweet Almond Oil

Made with 7 Ingredients

/ 190
Cucumber Facial Cream

Recipe of: International

Prep Method: Stove Top

Base: Cucumber

Made with 8 Ingredients

/ 152
Prickly Pear Salad

Recipe of: Africa

Prep Method: Mix

Base: Prickly Pear

Made with 7 Ingredients

/ 199

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