Preparation Time - 1 Day
Preparation Method - Stove Top

Recipes that Compliment:

Feta Cheese

/ 497

Add dill or mint to the curds to give your Feta extra flavour. You can add whatever herbs you enjoy.

Dimitris C. | January 13th, 2022

Ingredients are for 1 Portion
Scale It
Qty Unit Ingredient
1 pint Goat's Milk
1 gallon Raw Milk
1 cup White Vinegar
1/2 cup Salt
1 1/2 cup Water
Prep Time Process Time Overall Time
1 Day N/A 1 day

1. In a large pot bring goats milk and raw milk to a vigorous boil.

2. Add the vinegar and remove from heat.

3. Line a strainer or colander with cheese cloth. Place this over a large bowl.

4. Pour the now curdled liquid through the cheese cloth. Let it drain into the bowl for one day.

5. Cut into 2 inch square pieces and place in a container that has a tight fitting lid. Set aside.

6. Boil salt in water and cool to room temperature. Pour this into the container with the cheese and store in the refrigerator.

7. If you want to use this Feta cheese right away; omit the salt water solution step. The cheese will have a milder taste, but it works.

8. The salt water is the preservative for storing your cheese in the refrigerator.

Submitted by Dimitris C. | January 13th, 2022 See all of Dimitris C.'s Recipes.

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To handle prickly pears without getting pricked by the tiny thorns, use kitchen tongs or wear gloves. You can also roll them in a cloth or use a brush to remove the thorns, making sure you have a pain free experience as you prepare this exotic fruit.
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@Dimitris C. | January 23rd, 2022
Feta cheese can last for about 1 to 2 weeks in the fridge if you store it in its brine or fresh water.

I gave it a 5

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